Saturday, February 12, 2011

I want to open a residential care home for elderly?

I live in the UK and an interest in a residential home for elderly people who have anyone have any information and advice? Contact the Home Office in London, which will give the necessary information. CSCI check out the website if you live in the UK, I'm sure I could advise you contact the Service Commission, which regulating all carers for children is about or more, you also need qualified personnel, health and safety certificates and a million other pieces of legislation of local social services department to be correct. In the United States, through the Department of Human Services, Medicare and some other departments. You must proove their specialized care, health laws, dietary laws and regulations, you must have a house nutitiionist a doctor, administrator and physical therapist. Now there are laws here where you can keep a certain number of your own house, but it depends on their conditionand insurance laws are lucky ragious.good but what I know I'm here in the U.S. hell, complaining we live a long time much less try to find properties . Fortunately, I hope that Great Britain is not so many regs, rules, laws, us. I have no idea, but I would think the first point of contact would be your local council.surely would be in contact with the appropriate governing bodies. Contact your Council, and probably the NHS. I've driven friends, three highly successful nursing home for the elderly. I know there are a lot of red tape to be allowed to open before you and checks, etc. going on. I would recommend for your first contact to connect with Age Concern -. A registered charity in the UK, you can contact your local Council representatives with knowledge of the needs and requirements in your area. I'm afraid I can not understand the huge business it is expected that at least you care about the experience and expertise in business skills and management and legal experience that some humans with lots of money! If you have this and much more. So you may be able to make your idea on the ground. If it does not - or, indeed, if you have not worked on the floor of a nursing home would be a good place to start to do your research on how to manage and everthing you need to make a good person. Good luck with your decisions and the future. I believe that today houses must be large to be valid, many small closed .


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